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It is a statutory requirement for our students to have a UPN, which is allocated at Primary level if they have attended a state Primary School. We have this data but we cannot get it into Edgen without asking the Technical Team to do it.
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Swap 1st contact with 2nd contact

Full details in ticket #639457
Guest 11 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Parent - Preferred Names

In iSAMS we store their name as its shown on their passport. (Parents) We need a Preferred Name as some do no use their official name.
Guest 7 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

HR - Financial Information - Contract: need ability to delete History if incorrect

In HR Manager, in the "Financial Information" (under "Additional Information" list on the right-hand side), there is the ability to record a staff member's "Contract" information and then archive it to the "History" tab, so you can maintain the mo...
Guest 4 months ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Census Optional Modules

At the moment, its required to include information on Staff and the census will not even build without hours worked for example. We manage HR in another system so data is not input into census from iSAMS. This is an unwanted admin overhead. Could ...
Guest 7 months ago in Census Manager 0 In Discovery

Registration data procedures should not require a registration group to have a teacher

Registration should be designed with the focus on ensuring that the pupils can be registered as easily as possible. However, as currently implemented, if you have a registration rule that includes a student group that does not have a teacher assoc...
Guest about 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Improve auditing information for Contact records

Currently when viewing the audit trail for a pupil's record, there are no details available for changes made to contact records. The audit entry will simply read something like "Updated Contact# 201" with no reference to what was changed, or even ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

The ability to record Half-Term dates rather than just Term dates

The ability to record Half-Term dates rather than just Term dates.
Guest over 2 years ago in School Manager 1 In Discovery

Gender Neutral preferred pronouns

Although we are a girls’ school, we have a number of pupils here who identify as male or gender neutral. As a result, we are increasingly being asked to use preferred gender pronouns rather than she, her and hers. At present there is a field for ‘...
Guest about 5 years ago in Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Enable matching of names in CTF import if different case (capitals, lower case)

If a School enters basic details of a pupil (i.e. name, D.O.B) but not UPN, then imports CTF but the sending school has the name in Capital letters it doesnt recognise as the same name and duplicates the records. Please can the matching rules in E...
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery