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Ability to amend further education information

It would be helpful to be able to amend data for University/course/start date.
Guest 10 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Head of Section role above HoYs

We have a 'Head of Section' role who sit above 2 or 4 HoYs and years groups. It would be good if you could add another optional management layer above HoY to accommodate this.
Guest over 2 years ago in School Manager 0 In Discovery

Option required to hide applicants and former students for consent registers on the parent portal

Currently, on the parent portal the consent registers show for all students linked to the family- this includes applicant/former and current students which might not suit the purpose of the consent register created- This is the case when the famil...
Guest 10 months ago in Data Protection 0 In Discovery

Automatic (alert) email from iSAMs to concern parties

Could iSAMs be able to send out automatic (alert) email to concern parties if pupils with 6th day of continuous absence
Guest about 4 years ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Make it possible to delete divisions

As registration by division does not work for us. It would be good idea to delete the divisions and have just one in case of our school. However iSAMS support says this should not be done. Giving us no option on support on how to achieve this.
Guest 10 months ago in School Manager 0 In Discovery


Being able to link COUSINS in Family Tree rather than family contacts (as these may differ) to understand the connection between students
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery


Being able to link COUSINS in Family Tree rather than family contacts (as these may differ) to understand the connection between students
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Keep historical data for staff

When information like address is updated, the system could keep historical data (previous addresses and date they were changed).
Guest over 2 years ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery

HR Manager - Documents & Files Access without downloading a copy locally - DATA PROTECTION.

In HR Manager, Docs and Files, each time a document is clicked, it is downloaded to the local machine, rather than opening in a ‘preview’ or web based view. This means hundreds of copies of potentially confidential/sensitive items are generated on...
Guest over 3 years ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Contractors page for 'staff' such as peripatetic teachers and club leaders, as well as the staff page.

Have a separate contractors page for 'staff' such as peripatetic teachers and club leaders, in addition to the staff manager section in order to create a proper separation between those that are employed by the school and those that aren't.
Guest over 3 years ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery