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Ability to select multiple divisions in period view under registration

We need to be able to select the junior and senior school for registration purposes as our Pre-Prep School is separate. We also have issues with an inability to print just the junior and senior school report as the pre-prep shows also on the print...
Guest about 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Have emails from Student Manager Email Wizard appear in parent app Email History

Our parents like to keep track of their communications all in one place and unfortunately at the moment only the emails sent from Parent Portal Manager are appearing in the Email History in the app. This is great for whole group emails, but we wou...
Guest 11 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Bring 'Future School Name' field to Query Builder search

We found that the 'Future School Name' field is not available in the Query Builder Search in the Student Manager. We can find the intFutureSchool ID field but not the Future School Name field. This is one of the helpful field to quick track the fo...
Guest 6 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Ability to add student home email addresses to Email Wizard

As iSAMS recommends using the Email Wizard we wish to send out emails to school leavers (those that have just left) but they don't always have access to their school account. On the email wizard it would be beneficial when selecting Pupil users to...
Guest 4 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Block pupil information from certain staff

We have two members of staff who have a relative as one of our current pupils. It would be useful if there was a way for the relevant pupil records to not be accessible to the staff member who they are related to ie that all details for those pupi...
Guest about 2 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Update Student/Applicant System Status

We have the need to move the current students/applicants to the Former state via REST API.
Guest 2 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Adding 'Late' under the Ranges tab in the reports section of Registration Manager

In the Reports section of Registration Manager, under the 'Ranges' tab, it would be great if 'Lates' were added to the drop down. At the moment, if I want to run a report on all students who have been late at least 3 times in a week, I am currentl...
Guest 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Print Paper Register by Set list - just one day

We have several year 12 or 13 classes (different set lists) per period. As we often can only have two screens and two registers open at any one time we print off the set list by day. If we want to do a print paper register it prints off a whole gr...
Guest 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Registers for Associated Teachers on ITeacher App/Dashbord

Allow Associated Teachers to pick up registers on their Dashboard and iTeacher App rather than only Primary Teachers.
Guest 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Email alert to Teachers/Tutor when Notes/Documents are added

It is not currently possible to send email notifications to tutors when a Note/Document has been added to a Student's record. We add notes and documents to Student Records in our Student Manager module and can see great benefit in an email alert b...
Guest 2 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review