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Showing 86 of 2004

Multi level authorisation for PO

It would be a great help if we can have multi level authorisation for generating Purchase Orders in iFinance. As of now there is only 1 level of approver mapping is available based on value of Purchase Order. It will be a better solution to have m...
Guest almost 2 years ago in iFinance 0 Next

Using custom groups to EXCLUDE pupils from Fee Allocation Rules

When setting up a Fee Allocation Rule, you specify which attributes a pupil must have in order for the fee to apply. One of these attributes is membership of a custom group. It would be extremely useful to be able to explicitly exclude pupils who ...
Guest 6 months ago in Fee Billing 0 Good Feature

Create Refund Bank File

Would it be possible to generate a refund bank file from iSams in a similar way that the direct debit bank file is produced? This year we had to manually enter over 100 student deposit refunds into our bank portal. This method introduces a high ri...
Guest over 1 year ago in Fee Billing 1 Later

Bulk import recurring charges with end date

Currently if you import a recurring column marked Y the recurring is set indefinitely. It would be useful to set end date so therefore awards can be imported recurring three times for one academic year
Guest 6 months ago in Fee Billing 0 Good Feature

Allow multiple approval levels

If an invoice comes in over a value set for the primary approver, we have to manually get their approval before the secondary approver can sign off. For example if an order is £1,000, but the primary approver's limit is £500 we have to email them ...
Guest about 3 years ago in iFinance 0 Next

Online payment portal for clubs,lunches,dress down days etc

it would be great if it was possible to have an online portal for parents to make one off payments to the school for things such as clubs, trips, lunches, dress down days etc. this would save the children having to bring money into the school and ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Fee Billing 1 Later

Microsoft Single Sign On for iFinance

With so many College wide systems now using Microsoft Single Sign-On with two-factor authentication, it would be really useful to enable this functionality on iFinance, thus leveraging Microsoft's MFA as well. As a finance system, it's crucial the...
Guest 9 months ago in iFinance 0 Now

Remove requirement for both a Cost Centre and Department

Currently fee billing is capable of processing charges against nominal accounts with no cost centre or department, or those with both a cost centre and department only, but not with only one. For iFinance users, this means you have to have BI code...
Guest over 3 years ago in Fee Billing 0 In Discovery

General Journal - repeating over months

Please can we have the ability when posting a Journal to select monthly so the journal can repeat over x months, as the only way currently is to copy and repeat and change descriptions.
Guest almost 2 years ago in iFinance 0 In Discovery

Add Student/Pupil Name to the Fixed and Variable Direct Debit Plan Schedules screens, and add a Search option

It is difficult, especially in schools with large numbers of direct debits, to quickly find plans for specific students on both the Fixed and the Variable Plan Schedules screens . Adding a Search option, which looks at student or bill-payer name, ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Fee Billing 1 Later