Option to extend duration of session before timeout for individual staff
We have one career guidance counsellor who uses iSAMs heavily throughout her day. She has reported that her sessions timeout too frequently which disrupts her work. Could iSAMs add the feature to extend the duration of a session before timeout occ...
We would like to insert a link on admission form to the school admission policy published on our school website. Unfortunately url inserted on the field description is not appearing as a hyperlink. It will be fantastic if admission form design has...
Reports/Assessments on Student Portal: please can we have radio button format for grading
The option to display grading as a radio list does not work on the self-appraisal section of the student portal, even for reports. Having this format over the drop-down would be much more practical for students when they are answering questions wi...
Email notification when a parent completes "Request a Callback"
We should be notified when a parent completes the "Request a Callback" form rather than having to check iSAMS several times a day to see if anyone has used the function.
At the moment, all questions that are set up on an enquiry or registration form are visible to parents. We can set that certain questions are mandatory or optional, but we can't apply branching, that is, if you answer a particular way to one quest...
It is possible to customise the text used in the main navigation links so that it matches whatever fits the school's terminology. For example, detentions at our school are known as Punishment School. However, the headings used in the pages themsel...
Hidden Description of Reward & Conduct in parent portal
As our school are going to activate the parent portal and open to our parents, there might be some data we have decided to be not shown to parents, for example, the description of Reward & Conduct, please take a look at the specific details in...
Gender List/Menu for Admissions Manager and Cloud Portal
Currently the Gender options for the Admissions Manager and Admissions Cloud Portal include only two options: Male and Female. We regularly receive applications from students who identify differently. Can you add to the list to include other commo...
We are running the Parent Portal this year and there has been so much confusion amongst parents trying to create portal accounts despite detailed screenshot instructions. After parents receive the registration emails to create a portal account the...