Make sure there is feature parity between the web portal and mobile apps for school directory (GDPR)
In "Parent Portal Manager > Features > School Directory Options" there is no feature parity between the "Web Portal" tab and the "Portal App" tab (i.e. the mobile app). This led us to experience a GDPR issue in disclosing more of our staff d...
Ability to search for Former Pupils when using the Parent Portal
When adding documents to the Parent Portal or linking children to their parents accounts, I have been told I cannot search for Former Pupils and so cannot use them. The Former pupil has to be put into Applicants or Current and then I will be able ...
It is possible to customise the text used in the main navigation links so that it matches whatever fits the school's terminology. For example, detentions at our school are known as Punishment School. However, the headings used in the pages themsel...
Hidden Description of Reward & Conduct in parent portal
As our school are going to activate the parent portal and open to our parents, there might be some data we have decided to be not shown to parents, for example, the description of Reward & Conduct, please take a look at the specific details in...
We are encouraging parents to use the app where possible and getting excellent uptake, however there are still core areas of functionality not supported. It would be great to have the facility to obtain consent 'ticks' on the app, avoiding the mix...
We are running the Parent Portal this year and there has been so much confusion amongst parents trying to create portal accounts despite detailed screenshot instructions. After parents receive the registration emails to create a portal account the...
When a parent submits a Leave Request from the parent portal they must tick the children the Leave Request relates to, even if the parent only has one child at school. If no child is ticked then when the Submit button is ticked an error message is...
about 1 year ago
in Parent Portal
Good Feature
Security/Confidentiality of electronic form submissions on Parent Portal
When we have new pupils starting we have a collection of electronic forms needing to be submitted by the parents. A couple of which are medical in confidence when completed. it would be great to be able to select a security group for accessing the...
At the top of the Parent Portal you can see your own name and initials. This looks a lot like the interface familiar from Office 365. It would be great if this, like O365, gave a link to account options, at the very least a logout button. The top ...
When an electronic form is set up on the Parent Portal, the parent needs to click on the icon to the right hand side of the form to open it up. It would be great if the name of the form itself was a hyperlink to the form as this is the most natura...
almost 2 years ago
in Parent Portal
In Discovery