It would be good if future absences would pull through on the Out of School Report, for those that have regular authorised absences.
Regular absences have to be manually entered on each occasion on the OOS option, which is very time consuming. The Future Absences is a much user friendly way of adding absences to, but do not currently show up when we run the OOS Report.
Thank you for your suggestion. We are currently working on enhancements to the Out of School/Future Absence/Registration Manager functionality that should include your suggestion. I will post updates here as the project progresses.
This definitely needs sorting out. At the moment we use OOS because it locks the registers and prevents teaching staff from incorrectly marking a student present. However, it's very, very, very time consuming to add each absence one by one each day. We need future absence to work better and to show the students in the OOS Report.
I think that either one method of entering absence should be used or either method should update the other, Thiis has created some confusion with pastoral staff.
It is very time consuming to enter OOS when it is for multiple days, but only for certain times.
In the case of study leave, when pupils need to be marked out for lessons, but not for AM/PM registration, each day has to be entered seperately and in two batches to accommodate the PM registration in the middle of the lessons.
Future absence had a more user friendly option of allowing times and dates beginning from, or daily, but this does not feed through to other modules/systems like OOS does.
A combination of features from both modules that enables the best of both would be more suitable.