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Status Good Feature
Categories Wellbeing Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 20, 2020

Visibility Groups should have the ability to filter concerns by Year Group / Division from School Manager

Let me run you through our process:

When a concern is logged, we DO NOT give the person logging the ability to assign visibility. This is because we don't want them to add in every person they can think of relating to the child, thinking that they're being helpful. We want to keep most cases in as tight-circles as we can possibly manage. If we need to add more people in at a later stage, so-be-it.

We instead have a default visibility group, that goes to 2-3 people, who assess where it needs to go - either the Primary or Secondary support team.

What I think would work better is, if a concern is logged, iSAMS already knows what Year Group they are in - so we would have 2 "default" visibility groups, where we have defined them as follows:

- Primary Support (Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6)
- Secondary Support (Y7/Y8/Y9/Y10/Y11/Y12/Y13)

This would then work basically the same as it does now, and send all people in those visibility groups (dependant upon the student's Year Group) a notification to say something has been logged - rather than go through the "middle-man" group first.

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  • Guest
    Jan 31, 2024

    We do something similar and, at present, our DSL team get everything and have to assign it. This is fine at the moment - as we only log safeguarding - but it will become unmanageable when we have other pastoral issues too. For me, having the options to have default groups - Head of Year, Form tutor, House Master/Mistress or event deputy head of key stage section would be more useful.

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