We have had a couple of incidents of applications submitted via Portals being incorrectly rejected or deleted. While the two action click with a warning for deleting an application does offer some protection against accidental deletion, the lack of a recycle bin of any description I feel is a fairly large oversight.
Likewise, and possibly a much larger issue, is the inability to move application from rejected back into awaiting approval or approved. Rejecting an application still prompts a warning box however since approving also prompts a warning box and the buttons for reject and approve sit very close to each other users have a tendency to not pay attention to what the warning box is actually saying since they see it with every action taken anyway. A quick fix would be to remove the warning box for approving so that users are instantly aware that they've clicked on either reject or delete since they would now no longer see this box with every action taken and would be far more likely to acknowledge the text of the box as opposed to falling back on muscle memory and clicking Yes/Accept.
Ideally Portals needs a 30 day retention recycle bin and the ability to move applications out of rejected in the instance they are accidentally rejected.