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Status Good Feature
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 18, 2024

Seating Plans -exam wizard select all

When it comes to seating the candidates it would be better to have a select all option. Where the Inc. column is as at the moment you need to un ticking everything one by one.

This will help with e/g seating concessions.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    May 2, 2024

    The annoying thing with the current behaviour of this page is that every time you select or unselect a pupil, the system sends the update to be done server-side, one selection at a time! Not only is this a network overhead, but it takes forever as you have to wait for the server to perform a requery and update the page to reflect the last change you made, before you can make your next selection. It might only be a second or two each time for this to happen, but as others have said, when you have a couple hundred selections to make, this adds a huge amount of time to the job!

    A checkbox on each row (with a flood-fill option at the top to select/deselect all) and a "Submit" button to commit all of the changes at once would make things so much faster.

  • Guest
    Mar 27, 2024

    Hi Steven,

    When you are working with say 272 students and I need to seat the concessions first we have to untick approx. 200 students one by one. To have the options to select all/un select would make this less time consuming. This affects most of our exams.

  • Admin
    Steven Israel
    Mar 26, 2024

    Could you please provide a little more information about what you are asking for please.