I want to create an Email Template in Pupil/Student Manager where two or three siblings can be named in a merge email, rather than having to send two or three separate emails to the same parents:
Dear {{parent.txtlettersalutation}}
I am writing to let you know that Forms and Houses have now been allocated, as follows:
{{pupil.txtprename}} is in Form {{pupil.txtform}}
[insert sibling1 name and sibling1 form but remove line if no sibling1]
[insert sibling2 name and sibling2 form but remove line if no sibling2]
They are in the {{pupil.txtacademichouse}} House
House colours are:
House 1 |
House 2 |
House 3 |
House 4 |
With best wishes.
Please can you let me know (a) if this is possible and (b) what the line should be in terms of {{ }} coding?