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'Hover over' feature from a student register

Please make it so that more types of Student Register fields can be visible when the search filter icon is hovered over. For example, our dietary requirements register has an apple icon. The types of requirement are held in a multi-select listbox,...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Student Register - University Data Collection

The current Further Education section in Student Manager (Former Pupils) only allows a record of a qualification attained (i.e. post graduation) whereas we need to be able to record the Course a pupil is going to study at a designated university. ...
Guest 6 months ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Conditional clauses in emails to remove text under a particular condition

I want to create an Email Template in Pupil/Student Manager where two or three siblings can be named in a merge email, rather than having to send two or three separate emails to the same parents: Dear {{parent.txtlettersalutation}} I am writing to...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Export Sibling Academic House

As we enter the new academic year we're reaching the point where we need to allocate pupils to Academic Houses. We try to keep siblings in the same house, so it would be really useful if we could have Sibling Academic House" available for export a...
Guest 4 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Set default values for Student Registers Yes/No checkbox fields

It would be useful to have the ability to set a default value for fields created in Student Registers. This is particularly for Yes/No checkbox fields, where it would often be useful if the field was set to Yes by default.
Guest 11 months ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Docs & Files on Student Profiling

Please can you make it so Docs & Files can be accessed from the Additional Profile Views panel of Student Profiling.
Guest 8 months ago in Student Profiles 0 Awaiting Review

True/False 'tickboxes' please

When adding elements to the registers, it would be useful to be able to add 'tickboxes' that are either 'true' if ticked, or 'false' if not. This is because some users find this much easier to work with then yes/no dropdowns...
Guest about 1 year ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Pupil form lists - to be able to print from PDF on A4 portrait

For speed and quickness, i.e. it should be an EASY QUICK process to be able to print a simple A4 portrait pupil form list from pdf that is ready to print. Currently, this spills onto 2 pages or you have to print landscape which isn't suitable. As ...
Guest 4 months ago in School Manager 0 Awaiting Review

When clicking a star in Pupil Manager - land on the Register vs the Screening Page so teachers have relevant info.

In the previous SEN Manager, teachers were able to click on a star in their class list and view immediately the overview of the student's SEND. Now, they land on a screening page, instead of having the support info they need in a single click.
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Allow Import permission

Currently, only Full control permission user can perform the Import task on Student Registers. Could it be possible to open this function to modify permission users so they can perform that task. Full control permission is just for Configuration o...
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review